Saturday, May 28, 2011

Once again into the breech...

I don't know why today, but here I am.

For the past few weeks we have been operating under severe conditions.  There are currently TWO water leaks: one in the yard and one that comes up in front of the furnace / water heater closet in the hallway to the 2nd bathroom & bedroom.  *sigh* We have known for some time that we need to get the house re-piped.  (Danged contractor -- built the development using pipes that tend to fail after 10-15 years.)  We have already patched several leaks: Some in the yard and a couple in the kitchen.  Now summer is coming on and we NEED the water to run the AC (evaporative cooler).

On to brighter topics.  Dog continues to work on cleaning up the yard to make it better, safer for the dogs who live in it.  He has come up with a plan for a better way to keep the kitty graveyard (Mena's resting place).  It is currently blocked off with a circle of wire fencing.  I cannot really describe his whole plan, but it involves blocks of (scrap) wood glued to aluminum "L" brackets.  I went and got some dark oak stain for the wood blocks that makes a nice contrast to the lighter colored aluminum.  Last week I stained 12 blocks.  Today I just about finished what he had cut (19 of them, I think).  The first 12 have been glued to their aluminum bracket.  This morning he has spent clearing the space around the fenced in circle.  I am curious to see how it will turn out.