Monday, July 14, 2008

Clouds over New Mexico

I almost feel I have moved back to the east coast! It's been overcast and rainy for DAYS and days now. Since my last posing about clouds covering the Sandias, we have had morning commutes where we could not even SEE the mountains. Very strange.

On a happier note, we are working on "sculpting" our yard. We acquired some red lava rocks from Dog's parents when they re-did their yard. I am not sure if I told about the garden area that Dog lined out and infused with top soil along our front wall. More on that in a bit. But then he added a square around the big tree in front. Then he laid out round "stepping" stones . Next came the rocks. At first we thought that we could surround the whole square in the red rocks. Partway into the sifting and distributing the stones, he felt that maybe not. So we are doing two sides in red and the rest in the more abundant grey stones. (He had a bunch left from other times he did things and there were some intermingled with the red ones.)

In the two garden spots we are attempting to grow things, including some grass. Not much luck so far, though there are a couple of things sprouting in the wall garden. The trick is to differentiate the planted things from the weeds. We tried three plants at first and they have withered. Not sure if they have actually died. We'll see. Anyway, the latest addition is a succulent. I am not sure what it is usually called, but one of its nicknames is "Hobbit." How could Dog resist? The tag says it can spread to about 3 feet wide and grow around 6 feet tall. So far so good.


Kathy said...

Succulents can be beautiful. My theory about weeds is that if it flowers and is pretty, it may be a weed, but it's my weed. My garden is mostly morning glory... or will by in a couple of weeks.

Hobbit said...

I LOVE Morning Glories!

We, too, subscribe to the theory that "weeds" are in the eye of the beholder -- except when officials from the City of Rio Rancho say differently.