Monday, January 28, 2008

The Joys of Commuting

Until Dog's hours were changed, we used to make the morning commute starting around 6am in our caravan mode. Now we tend to leave the house closer to 6:30.

This morning it was raining. Yuck. These days it's still dark at that time and rain just makes it that much harder to see. Not to mention the crazy people who seem to think that there is no difference between dry and wet pavement. When we got to the turn onto Alameda before getting to the Rio Grande bridge, the traffice was backed up all the way to that turn. At the time I put it down to the weather. But come to find out, there had been a water main break over the weekend that closed down one of the river crossings thereby making the others heavier. *bleah*

Well, OK, that right turn is one of those merging types even though there is a light. As I got to the head of the queue, this one driver left a space for me to get in line. I took advantage of that, but that left Dog waiting in the wings, so to speak. And he never really managed to catch up to me. *sigh* He told me when he called that that maneuver of mine hurt his feelings. Both of us like that we do most of our commute together even if we are not in the same vehicle. And I cut him off, as it were.

Oh, and he called me coz he was home before 10am. It seems that since it's near the end of the month there is no metal available for him to make anything. Also, there weren't any special orders for him to do. *sigh* It would still be best for us if he could make close to that 30 hours a week. Not to mention the fact that he would probably go stir crazy at home all the time. Planned time off from work is one thing, making the effort to go to work and not being able to do anything is another.

Later on in the day, he called again. It seems that they have not yet been able to fix that water main break. Last I heard they were trying to locate some dry sand and none was to be had. So I am taking the long circle route home -- north up I-25 to Bernallio and back down NM 528 to home. It is quite a bit longer, but at least the speen limit is higher and I will probably been able to keep moving.

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