Thursday, February 21, 2008

Morning thoughts

I love "my" mountain.

This morning's commute showed yet another facet of its beauty. There had been a storm in the night. I woke one time to rain and thunder and wind. That made me glad to be snug in my bed next to my loving husband -- even if he kept waking me coz I was snoring.

My first view of the mountain as I turned down the Coors Bypass hill was awesome. It was just getting light behind it. I saw fog / clouds on top of it. And the sides covered with snow. Because of the low light situation, it was all soft greys. Then I was eager to catch another glimpse as I crossed the river. *sigh*

Here is a view I found of it from the river:


Kathy said...

You have been tagged. See the rules at
but as always remember, there are no rules.

Unknown said...

hello hobbit - beautiful photos... wandered here from kathy's blog... thought i'd say hi :).

Hobbit said...

Annie, Thanks for the look-see. I have been friends w/Kathy via chat and email for a number of years now. We have even met face-to-face. In fact, she came to my wedding on the mountain. Take care, Karen